Frequently asked questions

Please post any new questions under the Spyder tag in [[Stack Overflow|]].

This FAQ is for development-related questions. For questions about Spyder itself, see the [[Troubleshooting Guide and FAQ]].

Does the GPL exception hold for PyQt5?

Please take a look at this thread

How to debug Spyder

Another way you can help us to debug this is by opening a terminal and starting Spyder with this command:

spyder --debug-info verbose --debug-output file

After doing that, a file called spyder-debug.log will be generated in the same directory where you ran that command. You can then upload this file when you issue a file report.

Also, before closing Spyder, you can also go to the the menu Tools > LSP logs (which is only shown in debug mode):

and click on the two entries shown on it to open those files in the editor, and upload their contents also to the issue you are reporting.